ASA: Professional Pilot

ASA Professional Pilot 250Proven tactics and PIC strategies for the professional aviator flying turbine aircraft—and those aspiring to do so.

Third Edition, by John Lowery; Aviation Supplies & Academic


Real-world operational knowledge for real-world application.

New edition of the popular title Professional Pilot provides real-world application of knowledge based on veteran aviator John Lowery’s vast experience. Ride alongside as he imparts insightful tips, stories, case histories, facts and myth-busting that will change how you operate as PIC.

This new third edition of Professional Pilot more than ever is about decision making. Far from your typical textbook on aerodynamics and systems, this book takes you right up front to learn from a master turbine pilot who’s been there. The author infuses 50 years of experience as a corporate pilot and pilot examiner into fluid discussions that probe the details all career aviators must understand. Pilots will achieve a new level of understanding about day-to-day, real-world flying and gain a full indoctrination into the topics that matter when flying heavy, high, and fast—among which include:

  • Take-off V-speeds and the real physics of takeoff performance
  • Handling runway contamination
  • Cruise speed and fuel control in turbine aircraft
  • High altitude flight dynamics
  • The dangers of high altitude physiology
  • Managing icing conditions and the inadequacy of the regs in making real-world decisions about those conditions
  • Surviving emergencies such as rapid decompression and in-flight fire

The third edition has been updated with the latest cockpit and airport procedures as well as recent advancements in communications and navigation equipment. FITS (FAA/Industry Training Standards) are also now included, and information has been added to prepare pilots for today’s state-of-the-art “TAA” (technically-advanced aircraft) and VLJs (very-light jets).

Professional Pilot is filled with points to remember so pilots can take away operational rules-of-thumb and immediately apply them to their daily flying. This insider's look into the mind and cockpit of an accomplished aviator is an invaluable resource for pilots wanting to achieve the next level of aeronautical mastery.



ISBN 978-1-56027-709-5
Edition Third
Specs Softcover, 8-1/4" x 10-3/4,

illustrated, indexed, 336 pages.

GPSR-Hinweis zu Hersteller oder Verantwortlicher Person
Bezeichnung: R. Eisenschmidt GmbH
Anschrift: Flugplatz 1, 63329 Egelsbach, Germany
EUR 28,90
Versandfertig: sofort
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