
Beruf Pilot: Ausbildung - Alltag - Zukunft

Der Beruf des Piloten ist wohl einer der faszinierendsten überhaupt. Klaus-Jürgen Schwahn – selbst mit langjähriger Erfahrung im Cockpit eines Verkehrsflugzeuges – geht in diesem Buch sehr nüchtern an die Betrachtung des vermeintlichen Traumberufes heran und räumt mit vielerlei, teils romantisch verklärten, Vorurteilen auf. EUR 32.00

Beruf Bundeswehrpilot

Ein fundierter Leitfaden sowie und Ratgeber für den hoch spezialisierten Beruf des Piloten bei der Bundeswehr. EUR 24.90

How To Land A Top Paying Airline Job

How to Land a Top Paying Airline Job provides simple, clear-cut solutions and step-by-step methods to excel at the most challenging and competitive interviews the airline industry has to offer. EUR 23.90

Fliegen - Ein (Alb) Traum?

Ist Fliegen noch ein Traum - oder inzwischen ein Albtraum? Hintergründe der Arbeitsplätze in Verkehrsflugzeugen. EUR 29.90

My Journey To The Flightdeck: Part 1: Spreading My Wings (Becoming a pilot)

Have that urge to want to fly? Want to attain your Private Pilot's Licence? This book might well help. EUR 13.95

Die Lust am Fliegen - Piloten und ihr Weg ins Cockpit

Piloten-Porträts lassen tief in den tatsächlichen Alltag unterschiedlichster Berufspiloten blicken. Eine spannende Lektüre nicht nur für diejenigen, die selbst diesen Beruf ausüben möchten. EUR 32.99

Learn to fly and become a pilot!

The ultimate guide for determining your capabilities of becoming a professional pilot and getting started with flight training. EUR 12.99

What to Expect from Flight Training!

When You Want to Become a Commercial Pilot: The Overall Process of Flight Training and Obtaining Pilot Certificates EUR 12.99

How to become a pilot: A guide to flight training in Europe

This is the ultimate guide through the maze of flight training options under EASA. EUR 35.90

How To Become A Pilot in Europe: Complete Pilot Training Guide

Want to become a pilot without spending £100k plus on flight training and remortgaging your parents' house? The author is an airline pilot who completed their training via the modular route while juggling a full-time job. EUR 13.90

How To Become An Airline Pilot: Achieve Your Dream Without Going Broke

This book will benefit any aspiring pilot. If you want to earn your private pilot certificate or go all the way and become an airline transport pilot, the helpful information in this book will save you time and lots of money. EUR 8.99

Future Pilots Checklist: A guidebook on how to become a pilot

Step by step description of the entire procedure from zero hours to commercial pilot. EUR 25.90

How to become an Airline Pilot in 2024

Into this book is compiled the latest and most relevant material about becoming an Airline Pilot right now, along with 10 years worth of experience in the modern day Airline Industry EUR 16.99

How to become a pilot - The ultimate step by step guide

Into this guide is compiled the latest and most relevant material to help you navigate the modern day aviation industry on your path to becoming a pilot. It draws on the author’s 2 decades of aviation experience along with insights from experts across the industry. EUR 14.99

Climbing to Altitude: The Professional Pilot Career Guide

For aspiring aviation professionals in Canada and abroad, or those looking to launch into the next stage of their flying careers, the Pilot Career Guide is an essential tool. EUR 24.99

ASA: Job Hunting for Pilots

Whether your goal is jet captain, flight instructor, or any other pilot position, Job Hunting for Pilots will help you take command of your career. EUR 18.95

Flugwetterkunde - Vom PPL zum ATPL nach JAR-FCL-Kriterien

Ziel dieses Buches ist es, eine Ausbildungsunterlage zu bieten, die nach den neuesten Richtlinien (JAR-FCL) erstellt ist. EUR 28.10

ASA: The Pilot\'s Guide to the Modern Airline Cockpit

Pilots transitioning to the airlines seldom realize they will have to put their instrument flying skills to work using modern cockpit technology... EUR 20.99

ASA: ATC & Weather: Mastering the Systems

Author Richard Collins reveals how to work air traffic control and weather services to maximum advantage. EUR 18.95

ASA: Professional Pilot

Proven tactics and PIC strategies for the professional aviator flying turbine aircraft—and those aspiring to do so EUR 28.90

ASA: 101 Crosswords for Pilots

Satisfy the craving to decipher puzzles and quench your thirst for aviation knowledge in this fun, challenging and educational book! EUR 16.95

ASA: Managing Risk: Best Practices for Pilots (eBundle)

Explore the 10 most significant accident threat categories and learn the best practices in dealing with them. EUR 24.95

The Advanced Pilot\'s Flight Manual

Since the first edition of this manual published in 1962, it has long been a standard reference for veteran pilots preparing for the commercial knowledge and flight tests. EUR 22.80

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