SkyTest® Fluglotsen-Assessment 2025
Das Handbuch beschreibt detailliert die Testverfahren von Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS, DLR), EUROCONTROL (FEAST), Austro Control, Skyguide und der Militärischen Flugsicherung.
EUR 29.95
SkyTest® Piloten-Assessment 2025
Das Handbuch macht Sie mit dem aktuellen Aufbau und Ablauf der wichtigsten Eignungstests für Flugzeugführer vertraut (u.a. Lufthansa, Austrian, Swiss, Eurowings, Discover, DHL, Condor, Bundespolizei).
EUR 35.95
Pilots Reference Guide
von M. Grossrubatscher: Eine umfangreiche, verständliche und kompakte
Zusammen- fassung vieler theoretischer Themen für Piloten.
EUR 69.00
SkyTest® Airline-Interview
Handbuch zur Vorbereitung auf das psychologische Abschlussgespräch in Piloten-Einstellungstests.
EUR 19.90
SkyTest® Airline-Interview - Das Übungsbuch
Interviewfragen und -aufgaben aus der Praxis der Auswahlverfahren für Piloten und Fluglotsen
EUR 19.90
Pilots Reference Guide (Hardcover)
Comprehensive summarization of many abstract topics for pilots, engineers and aviation enthusiasts. It can be effectively used to prepare for ATPL exams and airline interviews.
EUR 99.00
Pilots Reference Guide (Leather Cover)
Comprehensive summarization of many abstract topics for pilots,
engineers and aviation enthusiasts. It can be effectively used to
prepare for ATPL exams and airline interviews. With PilotsReference Guide Hardcover edition and PilotsReference Checklist.
EUR 169.00
EUR 169.00
The PilotsReference Guide - Professional Edition
The PilotsReference Guide - Professional Edition© is a comprehensive Textbook for Flight Test Crews and advanced ATPL Pilots. It covers all topics of the PilotsReference Guide - Classic Edition with special enhanced emphasis on Pitot/Statics, Performance and Flying Qualities.
EUR 199.00
Aviation English - Student´s Book with 2 CD-ROMs
New course in English language communication skills to achieve and maintain the ICAO Level 4.
EUR 69.95
Aviation English - Teacher\'s Book
New course in English language communication skills to achieve and maintain the ICAO Level 4.
EUR 52.95
Check your Aviation English. Student´s Book. ICAO level 3-4
Focusing on the topics and language structures to prepare for ICAO Level 4 language test.
EUR 69.95
Flightpath - Aviation English for Pilots and ATCOs - Student´s Book
Flightpath is the only Aviation English course to offer a thorough
grounding in the full range of communication skills needed by aviation
professionals to communicate in non-routine situations.
EUR 59.95
Flightpath - Aviation English for Pilots and ATCOs - Teacher´s Book
Flightpath is the only Aviation English course to offer a thorough
grounding in the full range of communication skills needed by aviation
professionals to communicate in non-routine situations.
EUR 69.99
ATPL kompakt - Prüfungsvorbereitung zur Verkehrspilotenlizenz
Vermittelt dem Flugschüler auf verständliche und übersichtliche Art den Stoff für die ATPL-Prüfung.
EUR 19.95
Luftrecht und Flugfunk
Profitiert Sie von von der interdisziplinären Erfahrung des Autors in der Ausbildung von Juristen und Flugschülern
EUR 29.90
Physik für Schule und Beruf
Vielfach auch für die Piloteneignungstest-Vorbereitung verwendetes Standardwerk.
EUR 32.70
Denksport Physik
Ursprünglich nur für Schüler und Studenten gedacht und quasi als »Garagenbuch« publiziert, hat sich der Epstein längst zum populären Klassiker für Laien und für Fachleute entwickelt.
EUR 14.00
Mechanical Comprehension Tests: Sample Test Questions and Answers
Mechanical comprehension and reasoning tests are normally highly
predictive of performance in manufacturing, technical and production
EUR 21.95
Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations
Experience the key to test-prep success on exams measuring spatial relations, symbol reasoning, and mechanical aptitude for training and employment opportunities in the military, civil service, technical schools, and private industry.
EUR 28.95
Beruf Flugbegleiter: Ausbildung - Alltag - Zukunft
Der Beruf des Flugbegleiters hat bis heute nichts von seiner Faszinazion einbegüßt. Es lockt die große, weite Welt und ein Arbeitsplatz über den Wolken. Internationales Flair. Kein trister Blick aus dem Bürofenster, sondern blauer Himmel und fremde Städte.
EUR 29.90
The Complete Airline Pilot Interview Workbook
This work booklet will guide you on how to structure your answers and deliver them in a clear, concise and professional manner
EUR 25.95
The Complete Airline Pilot Interview Course DVD
Through a series of fully interactive virtual interiews combined with
our pilots interview work booklet you will be completely and confidently
prepared for your airline interview.
EUR 55.99
The Complete Flight Attendant Interview Work Book
A fully interactive, insiders guide that will fully prepare you for your airline interview
EUR 22.95
Successful Pilot Interviews
How to master the art of the interview and land your dream flying job.
EUR 11.95
Airline Pilot Selection and Interview Workbook (Ultimate Airline Selection)
Airline Pilot Selection and Interview Workbook Airline pilot selection
and interview workbook is the ultimate resource for any aspiring pilot.
EUR 25.95
Ace The Technical Pilot Interview 2/E
Get your career off the ground with this updated guide to acing the technical pilot interview!
EUR 32.99
Dear Future Pilot - Understand and succeed in pilot selection
Preparation is the best investment you can make before you start. - A book written by an airline pilot for future colleagues.
EUR 23.95
Air Canada Interview Manual
This book is intended to guide candidates through the entire application and screening processes, enabling better understanding of Air Canada’s selection techniques and expectations.
EUR 24.99
Ultimate Psychometric Tests
Over 1,000 Verbal, Numerical, Diagrammatic and IQ Practice Tests (Ultimate Series)
EUR 28.95
How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests
A Step-By-Step Guide to Learning Key Numeracy Skills
EUR 21.95
Practice Psychometric Tests
How to familiarise yourself with genuine recruitment tests and get the job you want
EUR 17.95
How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests
Essential Practice for English Usage, Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension Tests (Testing Series)
EUR 19.95
How to Pass Verbal Reasoning Tests
Tests Involving Missing Words, Word Links, Word Swap, Hidden Sentences and Verbal Logical Reasoning (Careers & Testing)
EUR 25.95
How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests
Improve Your Scores in Numerical Reasoning and Data Interpretation Psychometric Tests (Careers & Testing)
EUR 15.95
Ultimate Aptitude Tests
Assess and Develop Your Potential with Numerical, Verbal and Abstract Tests (Ultimate Series)
EUR 23.95
How to Succeed at an Assessment Centre
Essential Preparation for Psychometric Tests Group and Role-play Exercises Panel Interviews and Presentations (Careers & Testing)
EUR 25.95
How to Pass Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests
Essential Practice for Abstract, Input Type and Spatial Reasoning Tests
EUR 35.95
How to Pass Professional Level Psychometric Tests
Challenging Practice Questions for Graduate and Professional Recruitment
EUR 22.95
How to Pass Advanced Aptitude Tests
Assess Your Potential and Analyse Your Career Options with Graduate and Managerial Level Psychometric Tests
EUR 23.95
IQ and Psychometric Test Workbook
Essential Preparation for Verbal, Numerical and Spatial Aptitude Tests and Personality Tests (Testing Series)
EUR 25.95
ASA: Mental Math for Pilots (New edition 2023)
A book to help sharpen math calculation in head and operate better in today’s technological environment.
EUR 25.95
ASA: ATP - Oral Exam Guide
The comprehensive guide to prepare you for FAA and other oral exams.
EUR 19.99
ASA: Commercial Pilot Oral Exam Guide
The Comprehensive Guide to Prepare You for the FAA Oral Exam
EUR 12.99
ASA: Certified Flight Instructor Oral Exam Guide
Contains the questions most frequently asked by FAA examiners during the airplane checkride, and the appropriate responses
EUR 9.99
ASA: Airline Pilot Technical Interviews
Mental math, approach plates, AIM, regulations, weather, systems and more.
EUR 26.95
ASA: Multi-Engine Oral Exam Guide
The comprehensive guide to prepare you for FAA and other oral exams.
EUR 19.99
ASA: Helicopter Oral Exam Guide
The comprehensive guide to prepare you for FAA and other oral exams.
EUR 19.99
ASA: Checklist for Success
A pilot's guide to the successful airline interview — career guidance from application through to the interview.
EUR 32.90
ASA: Practical Aviation Law Workbook
EUR 39.95
ASA: Reporting Clear
A pilot's step-by-step guide to conducting their own background check and the proper presentation of personal history during the interview process.
EUR 15.99
ASA: Air Carrier Operations
Examines Federal Aviation Regulations governing air carrier operations. Helps readers gather the background information they need to identify relevant regulations and apply them to their operation.
EUR 22.90
Math Word Problems Demystified
Find yourself stuck on the tracks when two trains are traveling at different speeds? Help has arrived! Math Word Problems Demystified, Second Edition is your ticket to problem-solving success.
EUR 25.95
Physics Demystified
Understanding PHYSICS just got a whole lot EASIER! Stumped trying to make sense of physics? Here's your solution. Physics Demystified, Second Edition helps you grasp the essential concepts with ease.
EUR 25.95
Secrets of Mental Math
The Mathemagicia's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Mental Math Tricks
EUR 19.95
ASA: Prepware 2015: Airline Transport Pilot & Flight Engineer (DVD)
Comprehensive preparation and study software for the Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge Exams.
EUR 49.50
ASA: Test Prep 2016: Airline Transport Pilot
Includes study questions for ATP and Dispatcher FAA Knowledge exams, supported with answers and explanations. Includes softcover book and computer testing supplement.
EUR 39.90
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