B737NG Performance Reference Handbook - FAA / Color

Lulu_PerfRef737_Color_FAABy Maurits HULSHOF

Reference handbook containing regulatory aircraft performance information (FAA) and explains its application for the Boeing 737NG. It is an excellent guide for pilots, and others who are interested, to know what aircraft performance is all about. This colourful book comes in a handy A-5 size and contains a lot of clarifying pictures. A must for every B737 pilot. An EASA edition and/or B&W edition is also available.


Copyright: M.M.Hulshof (Standard Copyright Licence) 

Edition: FAA - Update 2012

Published: 29 February 2012 

Language: English

Pages: 126

Binding: Coil

Interior Ink: Full colour

Weight: 0.3 kg 

Dimensions (centimetres): 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall


EUR 49,95
Versandfertig: sofort
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