Master the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Test

Mechanical Aptitude 250By (author) Peterson's, Edited by Therese DeAngelis

Experience the key to test-prep success on exams measuring spatial relations, symbol reasoning, and mechanical aptitude for training and employment opportunities in the military, civil service, technical schools, and private industry.

Master the Mechanical Aptitude & Spatial Relations Tests provides the key to test-prep success on exams measuring spatial relations, symbol reasoning, and mechnical aptitude fro training and employment opportunities in the military, civil service, technical schools, and private industry. Featuring practice questions covering all major exam topics-including hidden figures, tool knowledge, and mechnical insight-with overviews of concepts that appear on mechanical aptitude/spatial relations exams, such as visual-motor coordination and pattern analysis. The book also includes detailed subject reviews, along with charts and diagrams to illustrate answers.

Peterson's Nelnet Co

Paperback 288 pages

ISBN: 9780768928631

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