SkyTest® Trainingssoftware für Pilot Screenings in der Türkei
This software preps applicants for pilot screenings at airlines in Turkey, for example Turkish Airlines, SunExpress Turkey and Pegasus Airlines. It includes the prep tests for DLR Test (Turkish Airlines stage 1), the prep tests for the Turkish Airlines PACE in-house tests (stage 2), the prep tests for Mollymawk® (SunExpress Turkey selection) and Pegasus Airlines (Ayjet). Our in-depth training approach navigates you through a scope of 41 dedicated modules step by step for gradual performance improvements. SkyTest® Cloud, SkyTest® Training Assistant and an USB custom keypad – a specially designed tool to operate certain tests more precisely – enhance your training experience. mehr...
Hinweis: Dieses SkyTest® Softwareprodukt ist derzeit nur für Windows™ verfügbar. Versionen für Mac OS™ und iPad™ erscheinen demnächst.
SkyTest® Preparation Software for Pilot Screenings in Turkey includes the following training modules (for details please see right column):
DLR Preparation (for Turkish Airlines pilot selection, stage 1)
- Cube Folding Test
- Cube Rotation Test
- Monitoring and Instrument Coordination
- Perceptual Speed
- Running Memory Span Test
- Triangle Test
- Visuam Memory Capacity
THY Preparation (for Turkish Airlines pilot selection, stage 2)
- 3D Houses Test
- Cognitive Agility Test
- Flight Destination Test
- Mirrored Maze Representations
- Psychomotor and Multitasking Capacity
- Rule-based Number Series
- Sustainable Attention Test
MM Preparation (for Mollymawk® pilot selection)
- Time Sharing Test
- Walking on Cubes
- Working Memory Test
PGT Preparation (for Pegasus pilot selection)
- Audio-visual Vigilance Test
- Dot Vigilance Test
- Extended Coordination Test
- Grid Orientation Test
- Tracking Accuracy Test
- Math Word Problems
- Mental Arithmetic
- Number Series
- Numerical Estimation
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Mechanics
- Optics
- Thermodynamics
- Waves
Technical Comprehension
- Electricity
- General knowledge
- Mechanics
- Optics
- Reasoning
- Thermodynamics
- Grammar
- Idioms
- Synonyms
Scope of Software
SkyTest® Preparation Software for Pilot Screenings in Turkey accommodates several features to support training experience and outcome.
Training Modules
- Comprehensive test explanations and interactive First Steps demos to get a quick feeling for the test
- Several default difficulty levels for each training module
- Randomly generated tasks to avert recurring tasks
- Extensive custom settings options for each training module
Performance Statement
- Comprehensive performance analysis after each training session
- Feedback on individual aspects of tests
- Performance graphs to illustrate performance developments in tasks
- Stat tool with graphs to illustrate long-term performance development
- Avg. performance graphs to benchmark your performance against
- Save test results, settings and performance graphs for each test sessions to compare them later
SkyTest® Training Assistant
- Guides you through the training modules to support an efficient time resourcing and maximize training outcome
- Takes your current performance level into consideration when suggesting the next training step for a sustained advancement of your performance
- Applies difficulty settings that reflect upon your current performance and outlines the next steps
- Puts emphasize on tests that returned a below-average performance
- Recognizes task aspects that caused you problems and puts more focus on these
SkyTest® Cloud (participation optional)
- Save your performance data on a SkyTest® server to restore your last training level in case of a re-installation of the software or exchange of the training computer
- Auto-sync your training levels if you use the software on several devices (like a notebook and a desktop PC)
- Benchmark your performance against anonymized pool performance stats from the SkyTest® user community
- Embedded boards to exchange information and messages with other software users
- Embedded support messaging client to approach the SkyTest® support staff
System Requirements
Hardware: 1 GHz processor, 1024 MB RAM, minimum of 200 MB storage capacity left, minimum screen resolution of 1024x600 pix, keyboard, mouse.
Software, for Windows™ edition: Microsoft® Windows XP®,
Microsoft® Windows Vista® or Microsoft® Windows 7® / 8® / 10® / 11®,
Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.5™, DirectX 9.0c or higher.
Use of headset is recommended but not required. Our online shop offers equipment for a realistic training experience.
Training modules of SkyTest® software products are similar to the original tasks but not meant to simulate or reproduce actual tests. As this is a preparation product all modules were designed under the premises to deliver gradual performance enhancements in those ability domains identified crucial for a successful air traffic controller screening participation.
Language of software
Bezeichnung: Aviation Media & IT GmbH
Anschrift: Akazienweg 3, 91083 Baiersdorf, Germany
E-Mail: gpsr


Um die Software schnell zu erhalten, wählen Sie im Bestellprozess die Versandart "Download" aus. Wenn Sie per Kreditkarte, Bankeinzug oder PayPal bezahlen, senden wir Ihnen die benötigten Zugangsdaten innerhalb weniger Stunden zu.
Airlines und Flugschulen
- Turkish Airlines (DLR, PACE)
- Sunexpress Turkey
- Pegasus Airlines
- Mollymawk
Enthaltene Module
- TR: DLR: Cube Folding Test
- TR: DLR: Cube Rotation Test
- TR: DLR: Monitoring and Instrument Coordination
- TR: DLR: Perceptual Speed
- TR: DLR: Running Memory Span Test
- TR: DLR: Triangle Test
- TR: DLR: Visual Memory Capacity
- TR: THY: 3D Houses Test
- TR: THY: Cognitive Agility Test
- TR: THY: Flight Destination Test
- TR: THY: Mirrored Maze Representations
- TR: THY: Psychomotor and Multitasking Capacity
- TR: THY: Rule-based Number Series
- TR: THY: Sustainable Attention Test
- TR: MM: Time Sharing Test
- TR: MM: Walking on Cubes
- TR: MM: Working Memory Test
- TR: PGT: Audio-visual Vigilance Test
- TR: PGT: Extended Coordination Test
- TR: PGT: Grid Orienation Test
- TR: PGT: Tracking Accuracy Test
- TR: PGT: Vigilance Test
- TR: Maths: Math Word Problems
- TR: Maths: Mental Arithmetics
- TR: Maths: Number Series
- TR: Maths: Numerical Estimation
- TR: Physics: Electricity
- TR: Physics: Magnetism
- TR: Physics: Mechanics
- TR: Physics: Optics
- TR: Physics: Thermodynamics
- TR: Physics: Waves
- TR: Technical Comprehension: Electricity
- TR: Technical Comprehension: General Knowledge
- TR: Technical Comprehension: Mechanics
- TR: Technical Comprehension: Optics
- TR: Technical Comprehension: Reasoning
- TR: Technical Comprehension: Thermodynamics
- English: Grammar
- English: Idioms
- English: Synonyms
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