ASA: Checklist for Success
by Cheryl Cage
7th edition
Even with a wealth of technical experience, many pilots find the pilot selection process frustrating. In addition to technical expertise, today’s airline pilot must also demonstrate highly developed leadership, decision-making, and communication skills. Discussing one’s abilities in these introspective areas requires a different kind of preparation than most pilots have experienced.
This is where Checklist for Success comes in. Written by Cheryl Cage, whose name has become synonymous with exceptional career guidance, Checklist for Success takes you from application through to the interview. Cheryl not only offers a step-by-step interview perparation program but illustrates her points clearly by stepping aside often to reflect on her own experiences in counseling aspiring pilots, furloughed pilots, and career changers. The program Cheryl provides in Checklist for Success will not only make reaching your highest aviation career goals less frustating, but shorter!
Checklist for Success contains chapters dedicated to:
- Getting the Interview
- Nine Steps to a Successful Interview
- Demystifying the Process
- The Interviewer
- The Applicant
- Self-evaluation
- Physical Presentation
- Paperwork Presentation
- Information Gathering
- From the Professionals
- Common Applicant Concerns
- Before/During/After checklist
- Sample Interview Questions
- The Results
Excerpt from Foreword: “All the advice I could provide is
contained in this book in a very well written format. Your careful
reading and study of this material, although it cannot guarantee
success, will certainly enhance your chances."
Bezeichnung: R. Eisenschmidt GmbH
Anschrift: Flugplatz 1, 63329 Egelsbach, Germany
E-Mail: info

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